Sunday, March 7, 2010

After We Moved to Alabama

Before 'Bama

My husband is an aerospace engineer - essentially that means that we don't stay in one place too long. In 2001 we moved from the Seattle area to Florida when the kids were in 3rd, 4th and 8th grade. While Clint worked to put together the International Space Station, the girls and I took care of chickens, ducks, goats, sheep and horses. We were immersed in 4-H going to meetings, fairs, horse shows and the never ending chores that go with animals. When the animal population dwindled and the girls moved on to boys, band and after school jobs I was a full time student at the University of Central Florida.

After Florida

By 2007 with the end of the building phase of the ISS in site, went took a new job to work on the Ares rocket in Huntsville, Alabama. Our two youngest girls and I arrived in Huntsville in December of 07, seven months later, their rooms were empty. Our oldest was in college in Florida, our middle daughter was on her way to the Air force and our youngest was taking her first steps toward living on her own.

A new era began for my husband and I - we experienced for the first time to be a modified childless couple. Suddenly we could do things together, without the input of a committee. I am going to start with a partial list of the things we found to do - I plan to create entries with photos for our favorite activities.

Click on the Menu items on the top of the page to see some of the things I plan to write about.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, I can post a comment. I need a day trip soon. We haven't been out in years.
