Saturday, March 6, 2010

After High School Sports

I have never been much of a sports fan, but when my oldest played varsity basketball, going to games started to be fun. My husband and I spent several evenings a week at games around the county. Date night consisted of concession hot dogs and a live basketball, volleyball or soccer game. I never imagined I'd miss the ritual of going to games - but I do. I miss cheering for my girls, and I miss sitting in the stands with my husband as he played bleacher coach.

Not long after we moved to Huntsville, my husband took me to a Huntsville Havoc hockey game. I know I was a wet blanket, I didn't like the noise, I was cold and I didn't care for the crowd. I didn't care for the verbal banter of the fans, hockey just doesn't follow good sportsmanship rules. I needed to relax a little, enter 2 dollar beer night. My husband's idea of date night - two dollar beers and dollar hot dogs. The beer helped, I let the stress of my day go and joined the chanting of the fans in our section. I was born again as a hockey fan.

I am still learning the rules of the game. It wasn't until over Christmas break 2009, that my oldest daughter told me what I was supposed to yell after the Havoc make a goal. It is: "We are going to beat the hell out of you, and you and you and you and you." I have learned enough terms that I can yell at the refs, and call icing, off sides, and diving.

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